Chaminade Club of Providence RI

The Music Mansion

A stark and stately English manor house designed by Albert Harkness, was built in 1928 for Mrs. Mary K. Hail of Providence.  Mrs. Hail was a classical musician all her life and upon her death, (in 1948) bequeathed her home to the Providence community to be used for "free of charge" classical music performances.

Over the years, countless performances by the Chaminade Club, Chopin Club, University Glee Club, RI Music Teachers Association, and RI Philharmonic Music School have taken place at the Mary K. Hail "Music Mansion" with great success.

The musical community of Providence and beyond is indeed indebted to Mrs. Hail,  for her lovely home so suited for classical chamber performance,  and her vision that has guided us forward to this day.
Mrs. Hail's balcony
Mary Kimball Hail